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Cold Chicken Salad

Chicken Salad

Need a cool idea for dinner? Try this chicken salad with the mustard vinaigrette, you will love it!


For the mustard vinaigrette: 1/3 cup olive oil
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/3 cup chopped chives
Salt and pepper to taste
For the Salad: 2 russet potatoes, baked and cooled
12 ounces green beans, cooked and cooled
3 tomatoes, quartered
2 cups cooked and shredded chicken
1/2 cup chopped olives
2 romaine lettuce heads, chopped
4 hard boiled eggs, peeled and cut in half


To make the mustard vinaigrette, add the mustard vinaigrette ingredients into a large bowl and whisk together to combine and create an emulsion. Cover and set aside until ready to use.
Bake the potatoes and cool completely. If desired you can boil them instead, just be sure they are cooled before you use them.
Once the potatoes and beans are cooled, cut them into bite size and place them in the bowl with the dressing. Toss to coat.
Add the quartered tomatoes to the potato mixture as well as the shredded chicken and olives (use the olives you like). Toss everything together to coat with the dressing.
When ready to serve, add the chopped romaine lettuce to the potato mixture and toss to coat. Divide between four plates and place a hard boiled egg onto each plate, serve immediately and enjoy!

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